Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Seow Poh-Leng and Polly Tan Poh Li, marriage 15 January 1920, Singapore
The marriage was celebrated this morning according to Chinese religious rites, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Boo Liat, 89 6 Anguillia Park-road, off Orchard-road, between Mr. Seow Poh Leng, general manager of the Ho Hong Bank Ltd., and Miss Polly Tan. A wedding reception is to be held this afternoon at "Oberon," Emerald Hill, the residence of the bridegroom, between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m., when an opportunity will be afforded the large circle of friends and relations to tender congratulations to the wedded couple. [Malaya Tribune, 16 January 1920, Page 4]
A Wedding Reception. A Bright and Successful Function. Ideal deather favoured the wedding reception held yesterday afternoon at "Oberon," Emerald Hill, the residence of Mr Seow Poh Leng, on the occasion of his marriage with Miss Polly Tan, which took place in the morning at the residence of Mr and Mrs Tan Boo Liat, the parents of the bride. The large gathering present, inccluding many well-known and influential Chinese residents, besides members of other communities in Singapore, testified to the popularity of the wedded couple, especially of the bridegroom who is recognised in social and business circles, he being the General Manager of the Ho Hong Bank Ltd. The guests on arrival tendered their congratulations to Mr and Mrs Poh Leng and adjourned to the lawn where tea and ices were provided. The ceremony of cutting the cake was defered until the arrival of the bride's father at 5 'clock. The Bride's Dress was made of white georgette crepe underlined with pale pink satin after the fashion of the Shanghai ladies' costumes. It was adorned with silk fancy trimmings, and from the shoulder hung a graceful train fastened with orange blossoms. She carried a sheaf of white phalaenopsis orchids, and on her hair was a costly tiara of diamonds. The Cake was made by the Victoria Confectionery, and was greatly admired for its artistic effect on account of the design and originality of the structure. There were seven tiers of richly-made cake placed on a lofty tripod shaped stand, beautifully ornamented with branches projecting at various angles representing shepards' crooks, on which hungg dainty little hand-made floral baskets worked in white satin. There were also dotted tastefully at vantage points cupids attached to white satin ribbons intertwined with orange blossoms --- the whole decorative work being quite unique and unlike the wedding cakes one is accustomed to see. A further novelty was disclosed when the cake was cut by the wedded couple. In a secret compartment of the cake there were two white pigeons with a little card attached to the neck of each bird. One bore the word "health" and the other "happiness." The pigeons flew out when the ceremony was performed and hovered over the reception hall to the delight and enthusiasm of the gathering present. After cake and champagne had been served the Rev. J.A.B. Cook in a very brief speech voiced the sentiments of the gathering present in wishing the bride and bridegroom great happiness in their wedded career. He said he had known the bridegroom for a long time but did not know the bride as intimately as Mrs Cook did. He concluded his eulogy by acclaiming "Keong Hee!" signifying in Chinese "Congratulations." The bridegroom returned thanks on behalf of his bride and himself for the kind attendance of those present. He felt that this was a fresh token of their freindship towards them. The toast was drunk with enthusiasm. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the lawn where the Alhambra orchestra enlivened the proceedings with very appropriate selections of music till six o'clock. The list of costly and valuable gifts is deferred for a later issue. Among those present were noticed the following: Messrs Tan Boo Liat, Wee Tiam Seng, Koh San Hin, Tan Wee Yan, Tan Soo Ghi, Poh Cheng Tee, Seah Eng Kun, Ong Peng Hock, Tan Kwee Swee, Tan Kwee Liang, Tan Kwee Wah, Koh Seck Tian, Gau Khek Beng, Lim Teck Siong, Lye Joon Sang, Ong Sam Kiat, Lee Chin Teck, Lee Chin Huk, Chan Sze Onn, Yap Tye Chong, Tan Cheow Pin, Mr and Mrs Gaw Kheh Khiam, Mrs Lim Boon Keng, Mr and Mrs Gan Khek Jin, Mr and Mrs Gan Khek Swee, Mrs Husted, Miss Blackmore, Mrs and the Misses Mosbergen, Mr F.C. Sands, Mr Hewett, Mr Ismail Raheem, Mr Khoo Boo Gay, Mr and Mrs G.B. Tay, The Consul General for China, Mr and Mrs Chia Tong Seng, Rev and Mrs J.A.B. Cook, Rev. W. Murray, Mr Nagle, Mr and Mrs Salzmann, Mr and Mrs Fougere, Miss Lloyd, Mrs Ruchwaldy, Mr and Mrs F. Jones, Mr and Mrs W. Beins, Mr and Miss T. Mayhew, Miss G. Brown, the Misses Clarke, Dr and Mrs F. Clarke, Mrs C.H. Clarke, Mr and Mrs G.E. Bogaars, Mrs M.V. Pillai, Mr and Mrs Hoisington, Mr and Mrs J.R. Cockburn, Mrs C.P. Hoffman, Mr J.S.W. Bartholomeuz, (C de G a p). [Malaya Tribune, 17 January 1920, Page 6]
Wedding. Array of Valuable Presents. The following is a list of the presents received on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Seow Poh Leng with Miss Polly Tan: Bridegroom to bride, one pair brilliant ear-drops ; bride to bridegroom, one scarf pin with brilliants and one gold wristlet watch and chain ; bridegroom's mother to bride, one pair gold bracelets ; bride's parents to bride, one pair diamond bracelets, one pearl and brilliant collar, one gold chain necklace, one gold hair clip with brilliants, and one jewellery cabinet ; bride's father to bridegroom, one brilliant ring and one silver cigarette case ; grandmother to bride, one pair brilliant ear pendants ; bride's grandmother to bridegroom one gold scarf pin set in brilliants. Mr and Mrs Tan Wi Yan, 2 pkts Chinese gold leaves ; Mr and Mrs G.B. Taye, 2 Chinese silver vases ; Dr and Mrs Lim Boon Keng, 6 Chinese fancy buttons ; Messrs Lim Peng Siang and Lim Peng Mau, one Queen Anne coffee set ; Mr Poh Cheng Tee, one ruby and brilliant cluster ring ; Mr Tan Cheng Lock, Malacca, one porcelain cake basket ; Mr Yeo Cheow Teat (K.L.), one butter dish ; Raman Chetty, one dressing set and one tea set ; Mr Tan Lian Cheng, silver cigar case ; Mr Tan Cheow Kong, drawing-room suite ; Mr and Mrs C.H. Clarke, one photo frame ; Mr and Mrs Teo Hoo Lye, perfumery ; Mr Tan Boon Guan, one book ; Mr and Mrs Low Koon Siew, perfumery ; Mr Chew Lye Hoe, one jewelled wristlet watch ; Mr and Mrs Tan Boon Chin, photo frames ; Mr and Mrs Tan Eng Siang, one gold hair clip ; Dr and Mrs Low Peck Hiong, one satsuma flower basket ; Mr and Mrs Lim Teck Siong, one gold wristlet watch ; Mr Tay Guan Kiat, cigarette box ; Mr Lim Bock Kee, one jam pot ; Miss Grace Tan, toilet soap ; Messrs Ismail and Raheem, one silver dressing set ; Mr Chua Guan Chwee, perfumery and toilet soap ; Mr Ong Soon Tee, one cheese dish ; Dr and Mrs Lee Lien Hoe, one case teaspoons and sugar tongs ; Mr and Mrs Tan Kim Seng, handkerchiefs ; Mr and Mrs Ngo Yam Chiang, perfumery ; Ho Hong Bank Staff, 3 embroidered panels and one spirit kettle and burner ; Mr and Mrs Kho Keng Chuan, one majolica vase ; Messrs Mah Kee Keng and Kee Kiat, one biscuit box ; Mr and Mrs Tan Cheow Kim, cake tray ; Dr and Mrs F.W.F. Clarke, cruet stand ; Mr Chan Chen Lock, salad bowl and spoons ; Mr Chew Woon Poh, jam pot ; Mr Sew Poh Quee, one triple fruit tray and sweet dish ; Mr T.H. Oh, perfumery ; the officers of the Singapore and South Malaya Boys Scouts Association, one cake basket and napkin rings ; Mr and Mrs Tan Kee Whatt, perfumery ; Mr and Mrs Chia Tiong Suan, bon bon dish ; Mr Teo Keong Hee, toilet soap ; Mr and Mrs Chia Keng Tye, butter dish ; Mr Chia Hood Thiam, silver cigarette case ; Mr Lim Eng Thian, cigars ; Messrs Lim Ah Woo and Ng Ah Si, gold locket and chain ; Mr Khoo Peck Chuan, wine ; Mr and Mrs Lim Kho Leng, cigar case ; Dr and Mrs S.C. Wong, perfumery ; Miss T. Misawa, perfumery ; Mr Goh Tiong Lay, gold cigarette case and pair brilliant cluster rings ; Mr and Mrs Chia Keng Chin, thermos flask ; Mr and Mrs Tan Yew Chay, 2 ice pails ; Messrs Frankels Limited, one gilt drawing-room clock ; the Misses Drysdale, Indian Silk ; Chop Bian Guan, one case liquor ; Mr and Mrs Boey Lian Siang, bon bon dish ; Mr and Mrs Seow Cheng Lim, perfumery ; Mr and Mrs Seow Siew Siong, perfumery ; Messrs Allen and Gledhill, thermos jug ; Messrs Ong Boon Tat and Ong Peng Hock, jam pot ; Chinese Swimming Clyub, oval oak tray and one quadruple silver epergne ; Mr and Mrs Cheang Peng Moh, gold medal ; Dr and Mrs Chen Soo Lan, toilet brushes ; Mr Tan Kia Wah, silver handbag ; Mr Song Ong Joo, butter dish ; Mr Low Kway Soo, 2 liqueur bottles ; Messrs Wee Joo Siong, Lim Chuan Swee and Cheo Cheng Boo, 3 framed pictures ; Messrs Tan Tiam Kiat, Koh San Hin and Goh Tiong Sin, cigars ; Mr and Mrs Tan Ghim Cheng, Chinese tea ; United Motor Works, cruet stand ; Mr and Mrs Chia Hood Sang, 2 enamel trays ; Dr Cheong Chee Hai, one case teaspoons ; Mr and Mrs Kho Kim Chiang, one bedroom clock ; Mr and Mrs G.E. Oehlers, glass and nickel epergne ; Mr Tan Teng Ann, music scores and cigar case ; Mr and Mrs Tan Kwee Liang, preserve pots and peark and ruby pendant and gold chain ; Dr and Mrs A.C. Yap, one pair photo frames ; Mr Seow Chee, liquor and cigars ; Mr Cam and the Misses Chan, porcelain biscuit box ; Mr and Mrs Chua Sim Ghee, bronze clock ; Mr Wee Eng Cheng, cut glass inkstand ; Mr Lim Koon Yang, jam pot ; Mr and Mrs Lim Choo Chiang, flower vase ; Mr Ong Koon Kee and Messrs Chiat Hong and Co., cut-glass pickle stand ; Mr and Mrs Tan Hock Leong, chocolate dish ; Mr Koh Lian Seck, cigars ; Mr and Mrs Tan Soon Keng, teapot ; Mr and Mrs Cheong Koon Seng, perfumery ; Mr Ong Hong Guan, perfumery ; Mr and Mrs Quah Siong Lim, sweets stand ; Mr Kam Cheng Soo and Messrs Kong Hin and Co, silver egg stand ; Mr and Mrs C.K. Chea, silver handbag ; Mr and Mrs Y.E. Tan, bon bon dish ; Mr W.G. Stirling, silver match box ; Mr and Mrs Yeo Hock Hoe, one roll Chinese silk ; Mr and Mrs Khoo Boo Gay, butter dish ; Mrs Ruchwaldy, crochet hand bag ; Mrs H.S. Husted, vase ; Mr and Mrs Choa Eng Wan, preserve dish ; Mr and Mrs J.S. Nagle, 2 silver napkin rings ; Mr and Mrs M.V. Pillai, cut glass scent bottle ; Mr O.S.A.M. Shalik, porcelain biscuit box ; Mr and Mrs Gaw Khek Chew, jam pot ; Mr and Mrs Low Seng Chye, egg stand ; Chop Guan Chin Hong, "Ang Pow" ; A.L.V.A.L. Vengadasalam Chetty, one case cutlery set ; Mr and Mrs H. Hoisington, cut glass powder box ; Mr Lim Teik Kim, one case liquor ; Mr Tan Lian Chye, jewelled wristlet watch ; Messrs Gan Khek Beng and Gaw Khek Jin, one pair flower vases ; A.M. Suppiah Pillay, one pair Indian gold bangles, salad bowl, cruet stand and perfumery ; Miss Quah Cheng Lian, one paid vases ; Mr Tan Soo Beng, jam pot ; Mr U.N. Mobaid, silver manicure set ; Mr and Mrs Lee Hoon Leong, triple tray ; Mr and Mrs Gaw Khek Swee, cut glass pin box ; Mr, Mrs and Miss Fones, one pair vases ; Mr and Mrs H. Quahe, one cake dish ; Dr Lee Choo Neo, vanity case ; Capt, Mrs and Mr H Stack, cut glass powder box ; Miss Tan Che Neo, preserve dish ; Miss Song Guat Tin, flowes ; Mr and Mrs Seet Khian Yeow, Indian silk ; Mesdames Hup Ee, Ah Poh and Phek Yong, Chinese silk ; Miss Tan Koon Neo, Indian silk ; Mrs Cha Jit Neo, Indian silk ; Mr and Mrs Tan Kwee Swee, one pair gold bracelets and 1 piece Irish linen ; Mr and Mrs Tan Kwee Wah, gold locket and chain ; Estate of Tan Soon Toh, one pair jewelled ear pendants and one pair jewelled rings ; Messrs Khoo Keng Hoe and Khoo Keng Tye, 1 pair gold bracelets ; Mrs Cheong Ah Choon, goldd hair pin ; Mrs Wong Yew Choon, gold hairpin ; Mr and Mrs Ong Eng Tee, one vanity box ; Mr Saw Soon Chian (Penang), one gold wristlet watch, Mr Tan Khiam Hocck, one string pearls ; Mr and Mrs Wee Thiam Seng, gold brooch with trinkets ; Messrs Wee Soon Chuan, Tan Kim Wee and Saw Soon Chian, one pair gold bangles ; Mr Tan Chong Teck, perfumery ; Mrs Lee Seck Long, perfumery ; Mrs Teng Boon, one gold coin trinket ; Head priest of Thian Hock Kiong temple, one pair gold rings ; Mr and Mrs Lim Sin Tat, gold locket ; Mr and Mrs Tan Choon Leng, gold pendant ; Mr and Mrs S. Fung, silver cigarette case and match box ; Mr G. Vernon Bowles, one barrel ale ; Messrs Kong Guan, Tan Teck Beem Yap Hock Neo, Ong Hoon Seng, Cheang Jim Eng, Chan Kang Swi, perfumery ; Mrs Low Hock Guan, toilet soap ; Messrs C. Chong Choon, Ong Sam Kiat, Lee Chim Hin, Sian Tan and Co., Ng Hong Guan, Lim Beow Keng, gicars ; Mr and Mrs Lee Man Pan, (K.L.,) handkerchiefs ; Sian Tan and Co, 1 case liquor ; Messrs Tan Cheow Pin, Chan Why Cheok, Seow Cheng Lim, Yeo Hoon Swee, Choa Kim Keat, Chia Quee EEng, Tan Kah Chiat, Teo Hoo Lye, Teow Geok, Wee Soon Hong, Tan Eng Say, Tay Tye San, Chan Kim Hin, Lee Chew Sam Ann, Seow Cheng Liam "Tek-Pye" (Cash presents). [Malaya Tribune, 20 January 1920, Page 6]
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