Thursday, August 22, 2019
Mrs. Khoo Sin Yeang, Funeral October 1933, Penang
The funeral of the late Mrs. Khoo Sin Yeang, mother of Mr. Khoo Heng Pan, took place on Saturday morning, from her residence in Prangin Lane, for interment at the Batu Lanchang Cemetery. Besides a large attendance, including several prominent people of the Penang Chinese community, who turned out to pay their respects to the memory of the deceased, there were also a number of wreaths and scrolls. [Malaya Tribune, 31 October 1933, Page 8]
Ms. Boey Moon Yeng and Mr. Phuah Lin Tong, Marriage 25 Mar 1934, Penang
At the Chinese Town Hall on March 25 the marriage took place of Mr. Phuah Lin Tong, of the Customs Office, Taiping, and Miss Boey Moon Yeng, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Boey Heong Chong, of Penang. The bridegroom is an only son of the late Mr. Phuah Choo Ghee and Mrs. Phuah, of Penang. After the ceremony a reception was held at the same place. Malaya Tribune, 3 April 1934, Page 14
Ms. Tneh Siew Kim and Mr. Saw Hock Lym, Marriage 25 Mar 1934, Penang
At the Min Sin Seah on March 25 the wedding was solemnised in the reformed style of Mr. Saw Hock Lym, of the United Kingdom Tobacco Co., Ltd., and Miss Tneh Siew Kim, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tneh Hoon Teng. Mr. Cheah Phee acted as master of ceremonies. A reception was held at the Seah premises.
Malaya Tribune, 3 April 1934, Page 14
Malaya Tribune, 3 April 1934, Page 14
Wong Kum Seng, Death April 1934, Penang
Mr. Wong Kum Seng, head of the Wong Shi Choong Chhi (Wong Kongsi) died on Friday night last at his residence 82, Cintra Street, after an illness of four months. Deceased was 60 years if age and leaves a widow, three sons, (one in Penang and two in Medan) one son-in-law, one daughter and eight grandchildren. As a mark of respect the Aurora Book Co. was closed on Saturday.//Deceased was of a kindly disposition and had a large number of friends. He had been an Instructor to many Amateur Theatrical Associations, the most notable among which was the Penang Mutual Improvement Association, whose memorable performances throughout Malaya during the period 1910--1916 contributed largely to numerous charitable funds. Malaya Tribune, 19 April 1934, Page 18
T. C. Appasamy Pillay, Death April 1934, Penang
The death occurred on Friday night last of Mr. T. C. Appasamy Pillay at the age of 78. The deceased came to Malaya in 1912 and during the first 15 years practised as a native Unam physician. Prior to coming to Malaya he was domiciled in America for more than seventeen years.
Malaya Tribune, 19 April 1934, Page 18
Malaya Tribune, 19 April 1934, Page 18