Sunday, March 31, 2013
Marie Angele Mathieu and A. Biji, Marriage, 28 April 1919, Penang
The marriage took place on April 28, in the office of the Registrar of Marriages, of Mr. A. Biji of Medan, Deli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willem Biji, of Amsterdam, Holland, to Miss Marie Angele, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Mathieu, of Penang. The bride is a grand-daughter of the late Monsieur Pierre Edmond Mathieu, of Orleans, France, merchant, who was the French Consul of Penang. She is also the great grand-daughter of the late General Mathieu, of Orleans, France, and a cousin of the late Monsieur Unal of Orleans, France, late Resident Consular of Tonkin, and a niece of the late Mr. Joseph Mathieu of Province Wellesley. On the maternal side, the bride is a grand-daughter of the late Captain A. Ottzen, of Finsberg, Denmark, the late proprietor and manager of Naga Timbol and Reliance Estates, Serdang, Deli. [The Straits Times, 8 May 1919, Page 7]
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Pierre Edmond Mathieu, Death, 12 June 1919, Penang
It is with deep regret says the Pinang Gazette that we have to announce the death of Mr. Pierre Edmond Mathieu at the age of 62, which took place on Friday after an illness lasting several months. The deceased gentleman went home to France in 1866 for education, together with his eldest brother the late Mr. Ernest Emmannuel Mathieu, who died some years later as lieutenant in the French Navy. In 1878 he came out to Penang again with his youngest brother,the late Mr.Joseph Frederic Mathieu. The deceased gentleman was the son of the late Monsieur Pierre Edmond Mathieu of Orleans, France, merchant, who was the French Consul of Penang, a grandson of the late General Mathieu of Orleans, France, and cousin of the late Monsieur Unal of France, who was Resident Consul of Tonkin, and a brother of the late Mr. Joseph Fredric Mathieu of Province Wellesley. He had several cousins who were officers in the French Army, who died two and three years ago during the great war. The deceased was married twice, first to a Miss Lock who has a son M Vincent Mathieu (engineer), at present in Cardiff,England, and second to Miss Ottzen, daughter of Captain A. Ottzen of Finsberg, Denmark, the late proprietor and manager of Nagga Timbol and Reliance Estates, Serdang, Deli, by whom he had two daughters and a surviving son who deeply regret his loss. [The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 June 1919, Page 4]
DEATH. MATHIEU. - On June 12, at Penang, PIERRE EDMOND MATHIEU, from cancer of the throat, only surviving son of Monsieur Pierre Edmond Mathieu of Orleans, France, the late French Consul of Penang. [The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 June 1919, Page 4]
DEATH. MATHIEU. - On June 12, at Penang, PIERRE EDMOND MATHIEU, from cancer of the throat, only surviving son of Monsieur Pierre Edmond Mathieu of Orleans, France, the late French Consul of Penang. [The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 June 1919, Page 4]
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Chew Chin Chee and Soo Hoo Kum, Marriage, 28 May 1935, Penang
PENANG WEDDING. Mr. Soo Hoo Kum's Bride From China. The wedding took place at the Li Tek Seah, Penang, on Thursday last of Mr. Soo Hoo Kum, sixth son of the wealthy Cantonese merchant, Mr. Soo Hoo Hong, and of Mrs Soo Hoo Hong, and Miss Chew Chin Chee, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chew Koon Seng of China. The guests present exceeded two hundred in number. The Li Tek Seah Orchestra was in attendance. The bride, a native of China, is an accomplished Chinese scholar, and arrived recently at Penang. As soon as the ceremonies were over, the bride and the bridegroom announced that they would donate $100 each to the Chung Ling High School building fund. In the evening over 200 guests were entertained to dinner at the Violet Cafe, Wembley Park. The bridal chamber at 33B Aboo Sittee Lane, was well illuminated and magnificently decorated. [The Straits Times, 4 June 1935, Page 12]
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Matthew Boyd Kerr, Death, 22 February 1838, At Sea
DEATH. At sea, on the 22nd February, on board the Duke of Argyle, on the passage to England, from Madras, Matthew Boyd Kerr, Esq., Merchant, Penang. [The Colonist (Sydney, NSW : 1835 - 1840), Saturday 20 October 1838, Page 3]
Son of P. Crummey, Birth, 27 July 1844, Penang
DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. AT Pinang. On the 27th ultimo, Mrs. P. Crummey, of a Son. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 10th August 1844, Page 1]
Son of Sir William Norris, Birth/Death, 6 August 1844, Penang
DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. AT Pinang, On the 6th inst. the Lady of Sir William Norris, of a Daughter, still born. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 10 August 1844, Page 1]
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Son of Gurchurn Singh, Birth, Friday 24 September 1925
BIRTH. GURCHURN SINGH. At the Maternity Hospital, Penang, on Friday, 24th September 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Gurchurn Sjngh ol 54 Logan Road, Penang, a son. [The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 September 1926, Page 8]
Monday, March 25, 2013
S. Oothman Saiboo, Death, June 1927, India (Karikal)
We regret to record the death of Mr. S. Oothman Saiboo, J.P., of Penang, which occurred at his residence in Karikal, S. India. Deceased had been ill for a long time when his doctore advised him to return to India to crcruit his health. He went to India six months ago, but without avail. Deceased was appointed a Justice of Peace Penang, in January, 1924, and he was a member of the Mahomedan Advisory Board. He was Secy. of the Muslim Merchants' Society for many years. He was well-known and highly respected in Penang, a merchant on a big scale, an influential and popular member of the Indian community. - P.Gazette. [The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 June 1927, Page 9]
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Marta Cox (Mrs. Marta Rodyk), Death, 24 July 1844, Penang
Domestic Occurrence. Death. On Wednesday the 24th instant, Mrs. Marta Rodyk, wife of Mr. John Rodyk Junior, and the eldest daughter of the late William Cox, Esquire. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 27 July 1844, Page 1]
Son of Forbes Scott Brown, Birth, 8 July 1844, Penang
Domestic Occurrence. Birth - On Monday the 8th instant, the Lady of F. S. Brown Esq of Glugor, of a Son. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 July 1844, Page 1]
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Thomas Heighton, Death, 14 April 1844, Penang
DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATH. At Pinang. - On the 14th instant, after a lingering illness, the Revd. Thomas Heighton, of the London Missionary Society, deeply regretted. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 20 April 1844, Pg 1]
Mary Presgrave and Arthur Howlett, Marriage, 19 April 1844, Penang
DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. MARRIAGE. Pinang-At St. George's Church, Friday the 19th April, 1844, by the Rev. R. Panting, A.m., Chaplain, - Arthur Howlett, Esq., Lieut., 27th M.N.I. to Mary, youngest Daughter of the late Edward Presgrave, Esq., of the Civil Service of the Hon'ble E. I. Company. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 20 April 1844, Pg 1]
Louisa Allen and Charles Rodyk, Marriage, 13 April 1844, Penang
Domestic Occurrence. MARRIAGE. At St. George's Church by the Rev. R. Panting, A.M., Mr. Charles Rodyk to Louisa, youngest Daughter of the late R. Allen, Esq. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 13 April 1844]
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Louisa Caroline Hall, Death, 11 September 1863, Penang
DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. Death. At Suffolk House, on the 11th September 1863-Louisa Caroline Hall, aged 21 years and 8 months, daughter of the late Reginald Frederick Hall-deeply and sincerely regretted by her friends and relations. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 19 September 1863, Pg 2]
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Daughter of George Scott, Birth, 18 September 1856, Penang
Domestic Occurrence. Birth. On the 18th instant the wife of Geo Scott of Ayer Rajah of a Daughter. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 27 September 1856, Page 1]
J. Richardson, Death, 20 September 1856, Penang
Domestic Occurrence. DIED. At Pinang on the 15th September 1856, Lieut. Col. J. Richardson, 20th Regiment, Commanding Troops in the Straits. [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, Saturday 27 September 1856, Page 1]
Edward Grant Stokes, Death, Monday 8 September 1856, Penang
DIED. At Prince of Wales' Island, on Monday the 8th instant, in the 20th year of his age, Lieut. Edward Grant Stokes - Royal Marine late of H.M.S. "Spartan". [Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle 20 Sept 1856]
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Wee and Tan Liang Seah, Marriage, September 1926
Mr. Tan Sim Poey of Poh Hin and Co., gave a dinner party on Tuesday to celebrate the occasion of the marriage of his youngest son, Mr Tan Liang Seah with Miss Wee, daughter of Mr Wee Teow Cheng and granddaughter of Mr Wee Bock Sin of Rhio. [The Straits Times, 16 September 1926, Page 12]
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Khoo Hong Lim and Tan Boon Thye, Marriage, December 1917, Penang
The wedding of Mr Tan Boon Thye, younger brother of Mr Tan Boon Hong, and third son of the late Mr Tan Sim Ho, estate and landed proprietor of Simpang Ampat, P.W., and Penang, with Miss Khoo Hong Lim, eldest daughter ofMr Khoo Kung Ho, took place on Monday. At night a large number of guests sat down to dinner at No. 58 Beach Street, where the Penang Band was in attendance. At eleven o'clock the whole party adjourned to No. 45 Love Lane, the residence of the bride, where the customary serving of tea to all present took place. [The Straits Times, 20 December 1917, Page 6]